
Friday, July 11, 2008

Let's Just See How Long This Lasts...

Will anyone read this? Possibly not, but if I can even change the life of just one person through the content of this blog then....bah, who am I kidding? This blog will most likely become a tool which I shall use to make fun of the people I know and complain about the things I don't like. For now though I'm going into this with the best of intentions. You know, posts about Bible passages that I read, comments on sermons (Charles Price sermons to be more accurate), encouraging stories from life, and general reflections on all that I experience in the weird and wonderful world of the living.

However, I must warn you - don't become too attached to this blog. I know, I know - I'm asking for the impossible here, but I just don't want to see hundreds and thousands of people getting agitated and upset over the fact that "he's not updating it like he used to." With these things (that is, anything) I tend to start off strong and then quickly fade away. It's all part of the whole me being lazy thing that I've got going on. I'm not condoning it, mind; just stating it for those who may not know.

Anyway, to the business end of this entry. I'm back from Encounter, which was a 4 week Christian program filled with lectures, outreach, and chippers. Being back isn't nearly as strange as I thought it would be, which is both good and bad. Good in that I'm not horribly depressed and wishing I was back in Greystones again. Bad in that I seem to be fitting back into my normal life a little too easily. With that said though, my last few days have consisted of me talking about Encounter, thinking about Encounter, keeping in contact with people from Encounter and posting pictures from Encounter. Needless to say, that's not exactly my normal life, so the reality of Encounter's end probably hasn't fully hit me yet.

There is still a sadness attached to it all of course, even if it hasn't fully sunk in. I think what I find the hardest is that I met and befriended people that I may not even see again...ever. You may think that only applies to Americans, but for me it can just as easily apply to us Irish too. Of course it's not like I don't have a choice in the matter. I mean if I wanted I could fly over to the East Coast no sooner than August and see everyone again. That's right people - if I fly over to America you will be forced to spend time with me, whether you want to or not. In fact my boy Rye-Rye has almost arranged the whole thing so all I have to do is say the word. And then it's not like a trip to Dublin to catch up with people is the hardest of things, but all you have to do is ask my brother how many times I've visited him in Dublin to know how big a deal such a small trip is for me.

That said, I could always just make a guest appearance at DPC next week and see everyone again, but then the content of this blog will just apply after that cameo. Anyway, I think the conclusion that's coming to my mind as I type is that I need to get better at keeping in contact with people and making an effort to continue relationships. Whether that means plane journeys (just like B.A., I also hate flying) to the States, train journeys to Dublin or automobile journeys to...err...somewhere else, each of these areas needs improvement, lest Encounter and the people I met there become another distant memory in the years to come.

Anyway, apparently my mother needs me, which means one of three things - 1) She doesn't need me at all but she just wants me to get off the computer and "do something constructive". 2) My clothes need to be hung out to dry or 3) She needs me to help move something that she could clearly move without my help. (That last one is the one that gets to me the most.)

Okay well that's all for now. Will there be a second entry? I'd like to think so, but we'll see. I'll also have to see about adding some glamour to this blog - like pictures, videos etc. All in good time my friends.

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