
Sunday, July 27, 2008

The Price is Right

Let me say this to begin with. I'm under no illusions about mans total depravity, and I fully agree that we should never put all of our hope in fellow man, because if we do then we will eventually be disappointed.

Now that I've got that out of the way, allow me to talk about the demi-God that is Charles Price. People may say that I tend to put Charles Price on a pedestal. I don't. I actually put him on top of about five pedestals stacked together, but that's neither here nor there.

It all started about two and a half years ago, when I stumbled across one of his sermons on UCB TV. For those of you who don't know, UCB TV is a Christian TV station. And unlike almost all of the other Christian TV stations out there, it's actually Christian in content. I'm serious. UCB TV actually has preachers that teach the Bible in context. Can you believe that? And what's more, UCB TV doesn't show sermon series' that have titles such as 'The Art of Good Debt Management' (another stellar effort from Creflo $) and 'How to Live a $uccessful Life' by one of the other nameless prosperity preachers who all seem to wear white suits, crocodile skin shoes, and walk to and fro across a ridiculously large stage without a Bible in sight.

To their credit, for the most part UCB TV presents fairly sound Biblical teaching, but unfortunately it seems to be quite alone in that department.

Anyway, by chance I managed to catch one of Pastor Charles Price's sermons one Thursday evening, around tea time. He was talking about prayer, calling his series 'Journey Into The Heart Of God'. I can't remember much from it, but one thing that stuck with me was the simple truth that God doesn't revolve around us, but it is we who revolve around God (you'll never guess what analogy he used).

I remember making some New Year's resolutions soon after, and that quote was included ( I might talk more about those resolutions in the future, since that time was a pivotal moment in my life).

So having soaked up that bit of truth, I continued to come back for more, and I was never left unsatisfied. Sermon after sermon I would be challenged, convicted, filled with hope, excited, refreshed etc etc. This was teaching like I had never heard before. This was the kind of teaching that fed the soul, the kind of teaching that made Christianity make sense.

To jump forward to present day, I'm still listening away, and still benefiting immensely. His website, which I have linked on the right, is beginning to take off in terms of free resources, and you can also watch dozens of his sermons on youtube (and believe me when I say I have!). My parents actually bought a couple of his series' on audio cd, and I've even transcribed one of his sermons myself (I found it that encouraging). And in case you're wondering, yes, my parents and I sit down most Sundays and watch his sermons together. Do you have a problem with that?

So what is it I like about him? His hair? Well actually now that I think of it I do kinda like his hair, but it doesn't just stop there. There's his eyes, his pale skin, his...OK that's enough of that.

First and foremost, he preaches the Word of God. His sermons start with a Bible reading, and he remains focussed on the Bible throughout, always putting things into context as well (think of Benny Hinn, and then think of the exact opposite to that).

He's not a verse-by-verse preacher, which also pleases me. Not that I have anything against verse-by-verse. Not at all. But I just prefer Charles Price's more topical approach. That said, it's not as if he's just plucking random topics out of the air, or just sticking to his favourites. For example, right now the series I'm reading is called 'Colossians: Staying On Track' where he has taken 10 topics to study from the book of Colossians. Topics such as The Supremacy of Christ, The Mystery: Christ in You, Continuing the Christian Life etc etc.

I also like the structue of his sermons. It's clear that a lof of thought and prayer goes into them. He usually has maybe 3 sections within a sermon, and he will generally make them easy to remember by using alliteration or other similar little word plays. So for example, his sermon on the Law is divided into The Context of the Law, The Content of the Law, and the Consequences of the Law. Clever, eh?

Also, his sermons will almost always have a Monday to Saturday application as well. They're not just given because that's what is supposed to happen on Sunday mornings. He's all about the real world faith, the kind of Christianity that extends far beyond the church walls.

He's all about the gospel too, and more often than not his sermons end with him encouraging people who don't believe to step into the relationship with God that he's been describing. And it doesn't sound forced or contrived. It just flows naturally.

I don't say any of this to raise up the name of Charles Price, and proclaim him as 'King of the Sermon'. He's one of many excellent preachers, and we would do well to listen to a variety of sources, thus giving balance to our diet.

And of course we must not forget (OK, I must not forget) that Charles Price is a human being, just like everyone else. He's also a sinner, just like everyone else. But God is using him in great ways, and so I just wanted to share how much God has taught me through the teachings of Charles Price. If you haven't yet heard him, then I strongly suggest you visit the website on the right hand side of this blog. It's well worth checking out (The series entitled 'Sermon on the Mount' would be a good place to start).

Any questions about his sermons, any comments about this piece, or any desire to exchange pictures of him over the internet, then feel free to contact me in whatever way you see fit...although may I suggest email for the pictures.