
Monday, September 15, 2008

Think About It

Here's some food for thought: was Reverend Camden the original Emergent Leader? That notion just dawned on me a couple of minutes ago, so I wanted to share it and see if any former Seventh Heaven watchers who don't value their dignity would come forward and support my claim. Come on now, don't be embarrassed. It's liberating to tell the truth.


  1. first off. why not call him by his real name. RevCam. A rose by any other name.........

    RevCam - emergent. MM....dont think Rob B and co would be big fans of 'Rev' or Manses or pulpits or gowns. But certainly RevCam was nicely liberal. Nice. Pensive. Nice. Not so focused on Jesus. Unclear about rights and wrongs.All for being unequally yoked (Matt and the Jew!!) All for women in leadership (go Luce...)Not too bothered about divorce (way to go Mary). Cool with premarital sex (thanks Simon). And all for unclear incestual weirdness (Martin and Ruthie and other various live ins most likely). So....apart from Samvid.....who well..we all know their sad tale.....yes....I would say Rob has found himself a role model..minus the dress and the oversized pulpit....

    and you're welcome for the comment!

  2. I reckon the gown and the pulpit were devices to ease us into the transition. We might here him say something controversial or we might never really hear him talk about Jesus, but then we see the gown and we see the pulpit and we think "well, he must be OK". I'm guessing if 7th heaven continued past season 10 (season 10!?), we'd have seen LCD screens lining the walls of Glen Oak Community church, with RevCam bringing the word in a pair of jeans and a funky t-shirt.
