
Friday, March 6, 2009

The Big Ideas

Confession time: If there has has ever been anything on this blog that you thought to be spiritually insightful, then there is a good chance I learned it from my Scripture School teacher, Dr Arden C. Autry. The following is a piece of his that was written in response to a question which went something along the lines of, "So Arden, what's the 'big idea' of the Bible?"

In short, everything that I've written about in this blog concerning Christianity -- with the possible exception of the Todd Bentley and Joel Osteen posts -- falls somewhere into what Dr Autry calls The "Big Ideas" of the Bible. I find that sometimes it helps to just stand back from the nitty gritty details of Christianity -- as a snooker player would stand back from the table -- in order to soak in the big picture, so you can see where it has all come from and where it is going.

So without further delay, here is your chance to do so. By the way, there will be some form of prize (most likely a congratulatory comment) for the person who can come up with a fitting synonym for 'reclaiming' that begins with the letter 'c'.

The “Big Ideas” of the Bible

-- Monotheism (one will as Source of all)
-- spiritual significance of material world; God’s will to bless creation
-- humanity in God’s image; capacity for relationships of love and will
-- orderly, “lawful” world (e.g. sowing & reaping) [purposeful narrative]

-- The Fall; brokenness
-- created wills choosing against the Creator’s will [narrative of loss]

-- redemption; atonement; healing of broken relationships
-- remnant saved to reach the rest [evangelistic imperative]
-- promise of Creator’s purpose being realised [narrative of promise]
(God’s promise elicits faith, hope, and love.)

-- ordered relationship between sovereign God and responsible humanity
-- God’s initiative in election; human response of faith and obedience
-- redeeming relationships, provided by grace, dependent on faithfulness
-- revealed and lived out in history of Israel and the Church
-- life of purpose; Creator/Redeemer’s intention revealed (revelation)
-- context of promise/fulfilment
-- context of love/grace and commitment/faithfulness [journey narrative]

-- God’s Word made flesh; ultimate, definitive revelation; covenant embodied
-- fully God, fully human (Emmanuel, God and humanity reconciled)
-- He makes our story His story, so that He can make His story our story
-- fulfilment of creation/redemption narrative assured
What Adam was created to be,
What Abraham/Israel was called to be,
That’s what Christ incarnate is.
That’s what we are in Christ (the body of Christ).

Communion Community
-- It takes the whole covenant people of God to inherit and exhibit the promises and fulfilment of God focused in Christ. [His narrative becomes ours.]
-- love within the church
-- love for the world (from God)
-- belonging to God and one another in the Holy Spirit, who makes Jesus known
(The one, true Holy Spirit is known [1] by whom He makes known and
[2] by the connections He creates.)

-- Kingdom of God (God’s purposes by His power), already and not yet
-- hope energising the present faith/faithfulness (future shaping the present)
-- resurrection life now and future
-- judgment, ultimate resolution of justice
-- glory of God manifested
-- creation healed
-- One will realised and glorified by all [creation/redemption narrative complete]

Arden C. Autry, PhD, October 2005

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