
Saturday, April 25, 2009


Here is the wonderful opening to a chapter in 'Echoes of Scripture...' which completely caught me off-guard:

'In a burst of retrospective candor, Paul tells the Philippians that he has now come to regard his whole prior religious orientation as "crap."'

Given how elegant the language of the book is -- the phrase 'hermeneutical jujitsu' is used seamlessly for example -- I think it's funny to find the word "crap" just thrown into the mix willy nilly. Granted Hays is in fact quoting Scripture with this odd choice of word. Skybala is the Greek term which is used in the Bible only in Philippians 3:8, where Paul writes regarding his former religious practices that he does

"...count them as dung/crap/rubbish, that I may win Christ."

Who knew the Bible could be so edgy and hip, eh?

1 comment:

  1. Wow...that is amazing..i have heard the word "offall" mentioned as well. That describes what is left over, after an aminal has been rendered...pretty yack....our own self righteousness must be pretty horrible in God's eyes...
