
Thursday, July 16, 2009

First Birthday

It was my blog's first birthday four days ago. On the 12th of July 2008 I decided that I was important enough to write things people would be interested in reading. 145 blog posts leading to 3 reader comments has proved me wrong, but my own self-importance means I just keep cranking them out, one lazily written piece at a time.

145 blog posts in one year. Do the math, and that's 14.5 blog posts every 36.5 days. Not too shabby. Quantity wise I would say I'm doing fine. Quality wise? I think I'm still "finding my niche". If I spent more time in the writing process I could probably churn out better stuff, but my m.o. is to decide that I need to write a blog post, and then basically make one up on the spot with one core idea in my mind. Sometimes what I write drifts way away from that core idea, and sometimes I stick to my guns. It's all a big learning curve, and hopefully I'm improving bit by bit.

Anyway, thanks to all of you who hate yourselves enough to read this. To say that I couldn't do it without you would be a lie, but it is always nice to know that someone somewhere is mildly interested in what is written here. I hope you continue to tune in over the coming while as this thing begins to really take off and become God's main tool for redeeming His creation.

Self-important? Me? Never.

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