
Monday, May 17, 2010


I could never be a famous songwriter for several reason. One of them is that my life has been too tame. Hard living for me consists of eating two packets of Haribo Kiddie's SuperMix in a row. Unless the slogan changes to "Conversation, sweets and rock'n roll", I just won't cut it.

One artist who does have stories to tell of decadent living is Kevin Devine, a New Yorker with a history of drug abuse. The best compliment I can pay to him is this: he writes songs in such a way that almost makes me wish I had a nasty cocaine habit, just so I could write like he writes.

In 'You'll Only End Up Joining Them', he describes his addiction in as, er, good [?] a way as I've heard:

And I can't say that it's a sickness, more like a stranger I ask in
And later realize, was a strangler
Slipping nooses in my den
But I was lonely so I asked him, "Could you tie that one on me?"
It wasn't his fault, I was eager, and I was weak.

Loneliness breeds addiction (and vice-versa), at least in Devine's life. Is this true in general? Anyway, have a listen to the song below and go out and buy the album it's taken from. It made #5 in my top 20 albums of 2010 (which, by the way, would be quite different if I did the list again). Do recommendations get more credible than that?

Yes. Yes they do.


  1. Why are these lyrics paired with this melody? It disappoints me. Reminds me of The Rolling Stones version of "Dead Flowers". BOO!!!

  2. Perhaps you'll find this version a bit more fitting:
