
Monday, September 27, 2010

Film Watchers

Do we have a duty to be responsible, informed, and thoughtful film watchers? If stories are powerful things, how dangerous is it to be uncritical about them? Can we really just shut our brains off and enjoy some "harmless fun", or in doing so are we numbing our imaginations and moral consiousness? What about films that aim at seriousness and critique, such as American Beauty for example? How well versed are we to see what is really going on, what message is being communicated?

The stories we are drawn to will shape us, for better or worse. This reality should have profound affects on all that we watch and the way we watch it.

"Could still be fun though."


  1. So essentially you were sabotaging me by leaving entire seasons of Friday Night Lights, Columbo, and Futurama?

    (Megan and I are hooked on Friday Night Lights now, thank you.


    I wonder if Street can ever forgive Riggins and Layla after their affair.)

  2. Oh you just reminded me that its been too long since I watched American Beauty! Thanks Dec ;)

  3. You're welcome Ethan.

    And you're welcome Paul, although perhaps my next post should deal with people's inability to discern the message of a blog post :)
