
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Pentateuch in Song

I'm writing a song on the Pentateuch based on the template of the Dylan epic 'Lily, Rosemary, and the Jack of Hearts'. I'm calling it, 'Yahweh, Israel and the Promised Land'. When it's completed it may be the best thing I've ever written. Or the worst. Here's one of eleven verses (so far), which will go some way towards making your mind up:

Now Yahweh said to Abraham, “Go from here to a land that I will show”
“I will make you a great nation and my blessings in abundance you will know”
“In you all the families of the earth will be blessed a great amount.”
Abraham believed God and as righteousness it did count
He gazed into Israel’s future and he journeyed towards the Promised Land

Whatever else, this has been a really fun experience so far. Mind you, trying to actually play and sing the song is a nightmare. I'll have to work on that if I'm to entertain nerdy theological circles in the future - something I very much plan on doing.


  1. You may like to change 'Yahweh' as this word is not used outside of academia (usually) as a name for the OT God of Israel. It will confuse and frighten Christians who may have you branded and expelled as a heretic! The rest fab!

  2. As an addendum to my last post it may interest you to know that the Holy See has banned the use of the words YHWH, Yahweh, Jahweh, Yehovah, Jehovah in catholic services. So you can forget about it being used in Mass if you keep it as it is!!

  3. There goes my plan of a summer tour around rural Ireland!
