
Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Have Yourself A...

It's that time of year when the Kellys, the Clearys and the Wilburs gather together for some festive cheer in the form of Secret Santa. I can pretty much predict what's going to happen: We go to Wilburs and lounge around on their sofas for half an hour with faces that don't really suggest it's Christmas time. Then when my two nephews become completely uncontrollable we decide to finally exhange gifts. My aunt suggests we do it based on age, so that the youngest gets their present first (I think we should set this rule in stone, just so that she doesn't continually have to suggest it). Each person opens their respective gift in fear and trepidation, hoping in their heart that maybe this year they'll get something they actually need, but knowing in their head that this poorly wrapped present will prove to be just as useless as last years disaster...and the year before that...and the year before that...and the...

On opening said useless present, there will be one of three reactions - 1) jovial indifference, where a joke is made to clear the air, because after all it's Christmas, and who really cares about presents?; 2) mere indifference, where you're just not sure how the recipient feels; and 3), blatant disappointment, where someone who really should have known better gets visibly upset about the standard of present received. I won't name names, but everyone falls into one of these categories, and you know who you are with regards the third one!

There may be a game played after this, unless the Clearys decide to go home early. Toward the end of the evening we'll have a quick discussion on how we are going to do things differently next year, or perhaps we'll just decide to cancel the whole thing because "it's a bit much".

Well, it hasn't been either changed or cancelled yet, and I hope it never is. Some things are best left untouched, because it is their imperfections that make them the perfect moments that they are.


  1. so? can't fault your present getting this year eh? of the better, if not the best year for presents. who said anything about recessionary times. we weren't feeling it in the sauna sitting room that's for sure.

    and TWO games..that must be a record. AND not fall out between dave and conor/john/niall/phil. although he did get pretty close to pushing ryan into a proverbial hedge....

    merry christmas brother......

  2. You most certainly cant fault the presents, although a part of me does miss the tension that they create. Still though, when im watching the Dark knight rather than wearing ANOTHER new pair of socks, I think ill get over it.
