
Thursday, January 1, 2009

My Movie Year

I didn't watch a lot of movies last year.

That's it.

No, that's not it. However, out of what I watched, here's a brief list and some comments about what I liked, loathed, and found to be disappointing.


My favourite movie of 2008 was Gone Baby Gone. I loved the dialogue, the score, the characters, the acting, and pretty much everything else there is to love about a movie. However, what I liked the most was the moral ambiguity of the plot. The way two people can have completely opposing views as to what is "right", and yet both sides can be sympathised with to the point where you actually don't know which side of the line you put yourself in. The movie is based on a kidnapping, but don't let that fool you into thinking that it's another Ransom. What Heat is to Beverly Hills Cop, Gone Baby Gone is to Ransom. Similar premise, but chalk and cheese otherwise. All watchable films in their own way though!

Of course one can't talk about good movies of 2008 without mentioning The Dark Knight. I really liked it the first time I watched it; I absolutely loved it the second time. Whether this is a slight criticism or a compliment, it didn't really feel like a comic book movie, despite the fact that its leading character was dressed up as a bat for significant portions of the movie. I guess the film makers wanted to portray it as a very serious film, thus avoiding any similarity with all Batman efforts pre-Batman Begins. They certainly did that, and the film is all the better for it in that respect.

What did feel like a comic book movie was Iron Man, which I thoroughly enjoyed. Robert Downey Jr was just, well, Robert Downey Jr, and who doesn't love Robert Downey Jr? Certainly not Robert Downey Jr. The film was just tremendous fun, with only a slight lack of action preventing it from being pitch perfect for me. If you haven't seen this movie, do so. I guarantee your surprise (unless of course you've taken to heart everything I've just said, in which case you won't be surprised at all).


If you haven't seen Fool's Gold, then I envy you. I can't overstate how bad this movie is, but here's my attempt: It's the worst movie I've ever seen. That said, it's so bad it's almost comical in places. I went to see it with two friends and for the most part we just looked at each other at various points during the movie with disbelief on our faces, wondering Why did they make this movie? How were they allowed to make it? And who would be stupid enough to pay 9 Euros to go and see...oh, wait.

I mentioned it before in the blog, but The Mummy 3 was undoubedly a crapfest. To read more, click here.

I'd like to say that the Incredible Hulk was disappointing, and in a way it was. But it was also just rubbish and therefore loathable. Sorry Eddie, but you're gonna have to just hold your hands up for this one. Not as bad as Spiderman 3 though, I'll give it that.


A lot of people raved about Juno, calling it "quirky", "funny", "hilarious" and so forth. I thought it was a watchable film, but funny? I can't really say I laughed all that much, if at all. I may have had a smile on my face on occasion, but it was more pretentious than witty (the movie, not my smile...though maybe that too). Napolean Dynamite was probably the catalyst for this recent fascination with all things "quirky", but people need to learn that "quirky" does not necessarily equal "funny". Anyone can make a quirky movie. Just put in some dorks, some retro clothing and some crazy/hip parents and you have yourself a quirky movie. "Look at that dork being socially awkward! He's so...quirky"; "Look at those short shorts! They're so...quirky"; "Look at that dad offering pot to his son and being not at all concerned about real life issues. He's so...quirky".

Maybe I'm just trying to be obtuse by not buying into what most people consider to be cool, and maybe I'm the pretentious one. Or maybe I just don't get Juno. Whatever the case may be, I didn't laugh very much while watching it, and so disappointing it was.

As was The Quantum of Solace. I watched most of You Only Live Twice over the Christmas, and compared to it, Quantum of Solace sucks. I mean compare Blofeld (aka Number 1), the chief bad guy in YOLT, with the bad guy in QOS, whose name I don't care about. One of them provokes real fear, sending attractive females into piranha infested waters at the press of a foot pedal, while the other is a wimp. In the last couple of James Bond movies most of what a Bond movie is supposed to be has been erased, and replaced with what a Bourne movie is supposed to be. The results are not good, and people who say otherwise have lost touch with the essence of Bond.

There's definitely more to add in each of these categories, but I've spent the last minute thinking and nothing has come to mind, so that's it. Agree? Disagree? Sort of agree? Any suggestions of your own to make me feel silly for leaving it out? Leave a comment! You know you don't want to, but do it anyway.


  1. You didn't like Juno??? You must be a communist. OR you just might be thinking for yourself. One or the other.

  2. I thought it was alright. but i had heard it was hilarious and such, and i just didn't find it that funny. It was definitely "quirky" though, ticking all of the relevant boxes.

  3. 1. ben affleck directed gone baby gone... who would have thought right?
    2. Fools Gold is HANDS DOWN the WORST movie ever... agreed!

  4. It's difficult to fathom that the 'star' of Gigli, Pearl Harbour, Jersey Girl, and Smokin Aces could have directed Gone Baby Gone, but lets just hope that Ben stays BEHIND the camera from now on. It seems to suit him. I'm glad we can agree on Fool's Gold. Makes a change from Blood Diamond, but I have a sneaky little feeling that you'll eventually come round and see the light. Maybe I'll write a post about it to see who's on my side! (oh yes, something as low as that is not beneath me).

  5. I must say after persisently hyping Gone Baby Gone I was ultimately let down by the movie. I thought Casie Affleck only added to what is fast becoming a sterling reputation but I thought the storyline was a bit convoluted and fantastical. I didn't think it was bad just not satisfying. And I've concluded that I just don't think The Hulk is an interesting enough character to merit his own movie, the Hulks got about as much personality as a wet carrott and I suggest his role lies as a supporting player to characters with more layers (The Avengers). I also thought Juno was a very good movie, not laugh out loud funny but a nice, interesting, heart warming, witty take on teen pregnancy certainly not worthy of chastising. FYI my movie of the year was Benjamine Button but I haven't seen Milk, Slumdog, Doubt or the Wrestler so my humble opinion has about as much merit as a monogomy lesson by Paris Hilton. And why the hell would you go and see Fools' Gold?

  6. Not by choice, ill tell you that. Juno may be all those things you say it is, but it was described to me as funny by both friends and reviewers. I didnt really laugh, so disappointing it is. Perhaps its similar to my sisters experience of Eternal Sunshine... She was informed that it was a comedy, and so was very disappointed with it. I on the other hand never heard that it was funny, so I kinda liked it for what it was.

  7. Not by choice?

    Explain that please? Was it gun point? Did you have to see it to have a family member released? Was it to save starving families in Africa?

    Let me say this. Whoever convinced you to see Fool's Gold is not your friend.

  8. Ha. Well I was outnumbered 2 to 1, and um...Ah heck, theres no justifying it really. We've all made movie-related mistakes though, right? That's ok as long as we learn from the I suppose. By the way, are you up for seeing Bride Wars some time this week?
