Friday, October 30, 2009

Two Stuck Out

Five minutes before a youth workshop on reading the Bible began, I was asked to lead it, at least until the actual leader came along. He did so about 10 minutes into the discussion, but that was more than enough time for me to be encouraged by what I heard from my fellow Bible readers. I started out by getting everyone in the group to say their name and to tell us something they know about the Bible. All Most of the answers were good, but two stuck out, mainly because of my own thought process over the past few months. One person simply said that the Bible is about God - a more profound answer than perhaps he realised. Another said that what they know about the Bible is that it tells us God loves us - a more profound answer than perhaps any of us realise.

It's about God, and it tells us God loves us. If those are the only two things you keep in mind as you read the Bible, then you're not far from being exactly where you need to be.

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